The Truth About Tubes

Its true, not all tubes are created equal. There are multiple forms of attic tubing used for tubular skylights as well as various levels of quality and reflectivity. All have their specific benefits, and it is our job to help you select the components that meet your needs best. One of the most controversial topics regarding tubular skylights is the reflectivity of the tube itself. Our High Performance Rigid tubing offers true 98% total reflectivity, which is the highest quality manufactured. In nearly three decades of being in the industry we have seen countless tubes enter and exit our market. We caution our clients of one particular tube. This specific manufacturer makes claims of 99.7% reflectivity, which is obtained by using a film within the tubing that is known to yellow over time. (As seen below.) In our extensive experience we have found customers prefer 98% of sustained performance when compared to the artificially enhanced reflectivity of the 99.7% tubing which deteriorates over time.


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