Look on the Bright Side!

Humans love natural light!  That is why it is normal to feel lethargic on a dark rainy day, and more energetic on a beautiful sunny day. Throughout the course of our day we even gravitate toward it subconsciously. We seek bright rooms with large windows or find ourselves constantly turning on lights during the daytime. Even when we leave home we tend to seek daylight with a view and are willing to pay a price for it. Think about the last time you booked a cruise vacation or stayed at a resort. The first thing we notice is the premium charged for ocean view or balcony rooms. What we are really trying to do is latch on to the feeling we get when exposed to light. There is an emotional connection human’s feel anytime this need is met, and an abrupt sensation when it is lost.

Skylights have answered the age-old question of, “How can we implement cheerful sunshine within a dark home or building?” With the invention of SkyFlex Skylights®  (a state of the art tubular skylight) they have found a way to “plumb” light into interior rooms where natural light is lost. Modern technology has also allowed the quality of these tubular skylights to stand up against high velocity storms and inclement weather. Leaking skylights are a thing of the past thanks to the unique interlocking aluminum frame design offered on SkyFlex Skylights®. The best part is that these tubular skylights typically install in a few hours and are offered at an affordable price.

Skylights are also a highly sought after upgrade when reselling your home, and a fine luxury to enjoy before you do. Stop turning on the lights during the day, and say hello to welcoming natural light. You will be amazed at the dramatic difference these products can make on your home, and will wish you had them installed years ago.

-Andrew Gaffka


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